- class dxtbx.model.ExperimentList¶
- __init__((object)arg1) None : ¶
- C++ signature :
void __init__(_object*)
__init__( (object)arg1, (object)arg2) -> object :
- C++ signature :
void* __init__(boost::python::api::object,boost::python::api::object)
- all_sequences()¶
Check if all the experiments are from sequences
- all_stills()¶
Check if all the experiments are stills
- append((ExperimentList)arg1, (Experiment)arg2) None : ¶
- C++ signature :
void append(dxtbx::model::ExperimentList {lvalue},dxtbx::model::Experiment)
- as_file(filename, **kwargs)¶
Dump experiment list as file.
- as_json(filename=None, compact=False, split=False)¶
Dump experiment list as json
- beams()¶
Get a list of the unique beams (includes None).
- change_basis(change_of_basis_ops, in_place=False)¶
Apply change of basis operators to an ExperimentList
- Parameters
change_of_basis_ops – This can either be a single cctbx.sgtbx.change_of_basis_op to be applied to all experiments, or a list of operators, one per experiment.
in_place (bool) – Apply the change of basis operations in-place to the current ExperimentList. Default is to return a copy of the ExperimentList.
- Returns
The reindexed ExperimentList
- clear((ExperimentList)arg1) None : ¶
- C++ signature :
void clear(dxtbx::model::ExperimentList {lvalue})
- crystals()¶
Get a list of the unique crystals (includes None).
- detectors()¶
Get a list of the unique detectors (includes None).
- empty((ExperimentList)arg1) bool : ¶
- C++ signature :
bool empty(dxtbx::model::ExperimentList {lvalue})
- extend((ExperimentList)arg1, (ExperimentList)arg2) None : ¶
- C++ signature :
void extend(dxtbx::model::ExperimentList {lvalue},dxtbx::model::ExperimentList)
- find((ExperimentList)arg1, (str)arg2) int : ¶
- C++ signature :
int find(dxtbx::model::ExperimentList {lvalue},std::__cxx11::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> >)
- static from_file(filename: str, check_format: bool = True) dxtbx_model_ext.ExperimentList ¶
Load an ExperimentList from a serialized file.
- Parameters
filename – The filename to load an ExperimentList from
check_format – If True, will attempt to verify image data type
- static from_templates(templates, **kwargs)¶
Import an experiment list from templates
- goniometers()¶
Get a list of the unique goniometers (includes None).
- identifiers((ExperimentList)arg1) std_string : ¶
- C++ signature :
scitbx::af::shared<std::__cxx11::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> > > identifiers(dxtbx::model::ExperimentList {lvalue})
- imagesets()¶
Get a list of the unique imagesets.
- indices((ExperimentList)arg1, (BeamBase)arg2) size_t : ¶
- C++ signature :
scitbx::af::shared<unsigned long> indices(dxtbx::model::ExperimentList {lvalue},boost::shared_ptr<dxtbx::model::BeamBase>)
indices( (ExperimentList)arg1, (Detector)arg2) -> size_t :
- C++ signature :
scitbx::af::shared<unsigned long> indices(dxtbx::model::ExperimentList {lvalue},boost::shared_ptr<dxtbx::model::Detector>)
indices( (ExperimentList)arg1, (Goniometer)arg2) -> size_t :
- C++ signature :
scitbx::af::shared<unsigned long> indices(dxtbx::model::ExperimentList {lvalue},boost::shared_ptr<dxtbx::model::Goniometer>)
indices( (ExperimentList)arg1, (Scan)arg2) -> size_t :
- C++ signature :
scitbx::af::shared<unsigned long> indices(dxtbx::model::ExperimentList {lvalue},boost::shared_ptr<dxtbx::model::Scan>)
indices( (ExperimentList)arg1, (CrystalBase)arg2) -> size_t :
- C++ signature :
scitbx::af::shared<unsigned long> indices(dxtbx::model::ExperimentList {lvalue},boost::shared_ptr<dxtbx::model::CrystalBase>)
indices( (ExperimentList)arg1, (object)arg2) -> size_t :
- C++ signature :
scitbx::af::shared<unsigned long> indices(dxtbx::model::ExperimentList {lvalue},boost::python::api::object)
- is_consistent((ExperimentList)arg1) bool : ¶
- C++ signature :
bool is_consistent(dxtbx::model::ExperimentList {lvalue})
- nullify_all_single_file_reader_format_instances()¶
Parallel reading of HDF5 from the same handle is not allowed. Python multiprocessing is a bit messed up and used fork on linux so need to close and reopen file.
- profiles()¶
Get a list of the unique profile models (includes None).
- remove_on_experiment_identifiers((ExperimentList)arg1, (list)arg2) None : ¶
- C++ signature :
void remove_on_experiment_identifiers(dxtbx::model::ExperimentList {lvalue},boost::python::list)
- replace((ExperimentList)arg1, (BeamBase)arg2, (BeamBase)arg3) None : ¶
- C++ signature :
void replace(dxtbx::model::ExperimentList {lvalue},boost::shared_ptr<dxtbx::model::BeamBase>,boost::shared_ptr<dxtbx::model::BeamBase>)
replace( (ExperimentList)arg1, (Detector)arg2, (Detector)arg3) -> None :
- C++ signature :
void replace(dxtbx::model::ExperimentList {lvalue},boost::shared_ptr<dxtbx::model::Detector>,boost::shared_ptr<dxtbx::model::Detector>)
replace( (ExperimentList)arg1, (Goniometer)arg2, (Goniometer)arg3) -> None :
- C++ signature :
void replace(dxtbx::model::ExperimentList {lvalue},boost::shared_ptr<dxtbx::model::Goniometer>,boost::shared_ptr<dxtbx::model::Goniometer>)
replace( (ExperimentList)arg1, (Scan)arg2, (Scan)arg3) -> None :
- C++ signature :
void replace(dxtbx::model::ExperimentList {lvalue},boost::shared_ptr<dxtbx::model::Scan>,boost::shared_ptr<dxtbx::model::Scan>)
replace( (ExperimentList)arg1, (CrystalBase)arg2, (CrystalBase)arg3) -> None :
- C++ signature :
void replace(dxtbx::model::ExperimentList {lvalue},boost::shared_ptr<dxtbx::model::CrystalBase>,boost::shared_ptr<dxtbx::model::CrystalBase>)
replace( (ExperimentList)arg1, (object)arg2, (object)arg3) -> None :
- C++ signature :
void replace(dxtbx::model::ExperimentList {lvalue},boost::python::api::object,boost::python::api::object)
- scaling_models()¶
Get a list of the unique scaling models (includes None).
- scans()¶
Get a list of the unique scans (includes None).
- select_on_experiment_identifiers((ExperimentList)arg1, (list)arg2) None : ¶
- C++ signature :
void select_on_experiment_identifiers(dxtbx::model::ExperimentList {lvalue},boost::python::list)
- to_datablocks()¶
Return the experiment list as a datablock list. This assumes that the experiment contains 1 datablock.
- to_dict()¶
Serialize the experiment list to dictionary.
- where((ExperimentList)arg1[, (BeamBase)beam=None[, (Detector)detector=None[, (Goniometer)goniometer=None[, (Scan)scan=None[, (CrystalBase)crystal=None[, (object)profile=None[, (object)imageset=None[, (object)scaling_model=None]]]]]]]]) size_t : ¶
- C++ signature :
scitbx::af::shared<unsigned long> where(dxtbx::model::ExperimentList {lvalue} [,boost::shared_ptr<dxtbx::model::BeamBase>=None [,boost::shared_ptr<dxtbx::model::Detector>=None [,boost::shared_ptr<dxtbx::model::Goniometer>=None [,boost::shared_ptr<dxtbx::model::Scan>=None [,boost::shared_ptr<dxtbx::model::CrystalBase>=None [,boost::python::api::object=None [,boost::python::api::object=None [,boost::python::api::object=None]]]]]]]])
- class dxtbx.model.experiment_list.BeamComparison(wavelength_tolerance=1e-06, direction_tolerance=1e-06, polarization_normal_tolerance=1e-06, polarization_fraction_tolerance=1e-06)[source]¶
A class to provide simple beam comparison
- class dxtbx.model.experiment_list.DetectorComparison(fast_axis_tolerance=1e-06, slow_axis_tolerance=1e-06, origin_tolerance=1e-06)[source]¶
A class to provide simple detector comparison
- class dxtbx.model.experiment_list.ExperimentListFactory[source]¶
A class to help instantiate experiment lists.
- static from_args(args, unhandled=None)[source]¶
Try to load serialised experiments from any recognised format.
- static from_datablock_and_crystal(datablock, crystal, load_models=True)[source]¶
Load an experiment list from a datablock.
- static from_dict(obj, check_format=True, directory=None)[source]¶
Load an experiment list from a dictionary.
- Parameters
- Returns
The dictionary converted
- Return type
- static from_filenames(filenames, unhandled=None, compare_beam=None, compare_detector=None, compare_goniometer=None, scan_tolerance=None, format_kwargs=None, load_models=True)[source]¶
Create a list of data blocks from a list of directory or file names.
- static from_imageset_and_crystal(imageset, crystal, load_models=True)[source]¶
Load an experiment list from an imageset and crystal.
- static from_json(text, check_format=True, directory=None)[source]¶
Load an experiment list from JSON.
- static from_json_file(filename, check_format=True)[source]¶
Load an experiment list from a json file.
- static from_sequence_and_crystal(imageset, crystal, load_models=True)[source]¶
Create an experiment list from sequence and crystal.
- static from_serialized_format(filename, check_format=True)[source]¶
Try to load the experiment list from a serialized format.