

Search for a better beam centre using the results of spot finding. Based on method of Sauter et al., J. Appl. Cryst. 37, 399-409 (2004).


sphinx.build datablock.json strong.pickle

Basic parameters

nproc = Auto
plot_search_scope = False
max_cell = None
scan_range = None
max_reflections = 10000
mm_search_scope = 4.0
wide_search_binning = 2
n_macro_cycles = 1
output {
  datablock = optimized_datablock.json
  log = "dials.discover_better_experimental_model.log"
  debug_log = "dials.discover_better_experimental_model.debug.log"

Full parameter definitions

nproc = Auto
  .type = int(value_min=1)
plot_search_scope = False
  .type = bool
max_cell = None
  .help = "Known max cell (otherwise will compute from spot positions)"
  .type = float
scan_range = None
  .help = "The range of images to use in indexing. Number of arguments must be"
          "a factor of two. Specifying  0 0\" will use all images\" by"
          "default. The given range follows C conventions (e.g. j0 <= j < j1)."
  .type = ints(size=2)
  .multiple = True
max_reflections = 10000
  .help = "Maximum number of reflections to use in the search for better"
          "experimental model. If the number of input reflections is greater"
          "then a random subset of reflections will be used."
  .type = int(value_min=1)
mm_search_scope = 4.0
  .help = "Global radius of origin offset search."
  .type = float(value_min=0)
wide_search_binning = 2
  .help = "Modify the coarseness of the wide grid search for the beam centre."
  .type = float(value_min=0)
n_macro_cycles = 1
  .help = "Number of macro cycles for an iterative beam centre search."
  .type = int
output {
  datablock = optimized_datablock.json
    .type = path
  log = "dials.discover_better_experimental_model.log"
    .type = str
  debug_log = "dials.discover_better_experimental_model.debug.log"
    .type = str