Source code for dials.interfaces.__init__

#!/usr/bin/env python
#  Copyright (C) 2013 Diamond Light Source
#  Author: James Parkhurst
#  This code is distributed under the BSD license, a copy of which is
#  included in the root directory of this package.

from __future__ import absolute_import, division
from dials.framework import interface

[docs]class SpotFinderThresholdIface(interface.Interface): ''' Interface for threshold algorithms to be used in spot finding. ''' scope = "spotfinder" name = 'threshold' def __init__(self, params, imageset): ''' Initialise the algorithm. :param params: The input phil parameters :param imageset: The imageset ''' pass @interface.abstractmethod
[docs] def compute_threshold(self, image, mask): ''' Threshold the image. The image may be either a or flex.double type. The thresholded image should be returned as a flex.bool where pixels labelled True are spot pixels and False are background. :param image: The image to threshold :param mask: The corresponding mask :returns: The thresholded image ''' pass
[docs]class ProfileModelInterfaceMeta(interface.InterfaceMeta): ''' The interface meta class. This class adds some definition-time checking to the Interface base class to make sure that interfaces have the required fields. ''' def __init__(self, name, bases, attrs): ''' Check each class has the name attribute. ''' from dxtbx.model.profile import ProfileModelFactory super(ProfileModelInterfaceMeta, self).__init__(name, bases, attrs) ProfileModelFactory.append(, self) try: ProfileModelFactory.append(, self) except Exception: pass
[docs]class ProfileModelIface(interface.Interface): ''' The interface definition for a profile model. ''' __metaclass__ = ProfileModelInterfaceMeta name = 'profile' @classmethod
[docs] def algorithm(cls): ''' Get the algorithm. ''' pass
[docs] def from_dict(cls, d): ''' Get from dictionary. ''' pass
[docs]class CentroidIface(interface.Interface): ''' Interface for centroid algorithms. ''' scope = "integration" name = 'centroid' def __init__(self, params, experiments): ''' Initialise the algorithm. :param params: The input phil parameters :param experiments: The experiment list ''' pass @interface.abstractmethod
[docs] def compute_centroid(self, reflections): ''' Compute the reflection centroids :param reflections: The list of reflections ''' pass
[docs]class BackgroundIface(interface.Interface): ''' Interface for background algorithms. ''' scope = "integration" name = 'background' def __init__(self, params, experiments): ''' Initialise the algorithm. :param params: The input phil parameters :param experiments: The experiment list ''' pass @interface.abstractmethod
[docs] def compute_background(self, reflections): ''' Compute the reflection background :param reflections: The list of reflections ''' pass